All You Need to Know About NextClimb’s 2200K LED Bulb - The Warmest G9 LED Bulb Available on Amazon NextClimb

All You Need to Know About NextClimb’s 2200K LED Bulb - The Warmest G9 LED Bulb Available on Amazon

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From the early 1800s, various attempts were being made to make an artificial source of light but none of them lighted for a longer time or served any commercial use. The name, Thomas Edison is well known as the inventor of the first commercially manufactured light bulb that contained carbon filament and lighted up to 1200 hours.


Eventually, more advancements were made towards light bulbs and carbon was replaced with tungsten filament. The 20th century opened the way for many discoveries including flashbulbs, soft light, halogens, and fluorescent bulbs.


These incandescent light bulbs are still popular because they are cheaper to buy and widely available, but are not good for the pocket in terms of electricity bills as they convert only 10% of the utilized electrical energy into visible light.

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LED Lights


But now, the future belongs to LED lights because of their cost-saving nature. Initially, they were expensive but are now available at quite a cheaper rate. LED literally means light-emitting diode which is actually not a bulb but looks like one. It doesn't contain any burning filament and produces light through a cold process. While in bulbs, the burning of filaments needs more power than the light produced, with LEDs, the amount of output produced is greater than the power consumption.


Cool LED vs Warm LED


LED bulbs are available in two different color temperatures: a cool one and a warmer one. The cool color temperature produces a more refreshing atmosphere with its bright light, while the warm color temperature produces a cozy and relaxing one with its yellowish light.


To make your house feel like home, NextClimb has launched its new 2200K Warm LED lights.

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What Is 2200K Warm LED And Why Do People Use It?


2200K Warm LEDs are used when buyers want to create a 'warm' environment in their homes. The light is very yellow and sun-like. It feels more natural than the harsh white one helping your eyes take lesser strain.


What Is It Typically Made Of?

Our G9 light bulb is made of ceramic at its base and polycarbonate on the casing which makes it heat-resistant.


Why NextClimb 2200K LED?


2200K LED bulbs are rarely available and difficult to find. Most normal is 2700K that is widely available but emits 'harsh white' light that pinches the eye. NextClimb is the first company bringing 2200K LED's to Amazon that will give your home a candle-lighted ambiance with a lot of benefits:


Benefits of NextClimb's 2200K Warm LED Bulb

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The Warmest G9 LED Light Bulb on Amazon

The G9 LED bulb you were waiting for with a yellow glow (warmer than warm white) has arrived! Enjoy a cozy ambiance without having to burn through hundreds of candles a year.



Bright incandescent bulbs emit UV light that damages your eyes. NextClimb's warm LED light comforts the eye with its soft, relaxing nature.



This set of 5 dimmable LED light bulbs G9 base gives you the freedom to control to choose the light intensity you desire for the specific occasion and/or situation you find yourself in. Our dimmable LED light bulbs can go from a warm white ambiance to a candlelight feeling without the annoying flickering.

G9 LED light bulb amazon


Long-Lasting LED Bulbs

The average incandescent G9 LED 2200K light bulb's lifespan is between 750 - 2000 hours, lasting you only about 83 full days, whereas NextClimb's 2200K warm LED bulb will last you 12.5 times more, lasting up to 25,000 hours - an equivalent of 2 years and 10 months!


The Affordable Dimmable G9 Option

Quality and durability is definitely an essential factor when purchasing a light bulb, but when combined with an incredible price it turns it into an irresistible product. Buying from us just means you're not paying for expensive marketing. We buy directly from the producer and have absolutely no hidden costs, that is why we can provide you with such a competitive price.


Resistant to Impact and Heat

Our G9 LED 2200K light bulbs are made of ceramic at its base and polycarbonate on the casing, allowing this product to be super resistant to heat and impact, so you can be completely worry-free!

G9 LED light bulb amazon


Easy on Your Pocket

NextClimb's 2200K Dimmable LED Light Bulbs offer the full features of a premium light bulb for a fraction of the cost. It’s not only less costly but also reduces the electricity bills.


These Bulbs Match These Specifications:

Base: G9

Power: 3 or 4 Watts

Voltage: 120 VAC

CCT: 2200K

Dimmable: YES


Count on the NextClimb's 2200K Dimmable LED Light Bulbs to improve your evenings and provide you with great relaxing light! Order one on Amazon now!

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