With toys comes in our mind the joy of childhood when we all were free from worries. From holding shakers to playing with cars and dolls, our childhood ended leaving sweet memories of the good old days.
Most of the toys are meant for kids and it is the parents or relatives who purchase them for children on special occasions. On receiving a brand new toy, every child's face lits up. But this joy is not limited to children, even adults love to play with toys and buy them for themselves!
Yes, you heard it right! As adults playing games on their smartphones or play stations is not something new, adults playing with toys is not something out of this world too.
According to studies conducted in 2016, every 11th toy sold in Britain was bought by an adult for themselves. This trend is seen to be rising more among the masculine gender. Also, adults without children spend more money on buying toys for themselves than adults with kids!
The reason why 'kidults' like to buy toys is something really personal. They want to feel nostalgic about the good old days that relieve their daily grind stress. Sometimes it is to motivate fun or just to have a good laugh. Whatever the reason is, if this is something which makes you happy, then why hesitate buying it?
To bring out that little child in you, NextClimb has introduced fun-loving toys that are loved by kids and grown-ups alike.
NextClimb is now offering tiny hands made of plastic that are best suited for fun activities and physical stunts. These are tiny hand puppets that can be easily placed on fingers, pencils, or props to look funny.
Why Do People Use Tiny Hands Toys?
Toys are loved by all ages. Fun-loving people place tiny hand toys on their fingers because small hands on fingers look cute and funny.
When to Use Tiny Hand Toys?
Tiny hands can be attached to your fingers and can be used for a variety of things like stand-up shows, comic shows, gigs, stunts, pretend plays, Halloween costumes, or even to just have fun with your friends.
What Are Tiny Hands Typically Made of?
Our tiny hands have a color that matches skin-tone and looks realistic. These 3 inches long tiny hands are made of plastic.
Drawbacks of Tiny Hands Available on Amazon
A number of tiny hands are present on Amazon and their sellers claim them to be of high quality. Yet there are many problems with the set of 10 tiny plastic hands available on Amazon.
One of the main issues with the set of 10 tiny hands is that it rarely includes 5 left hands and 5 right hands. Normally, there is an uneven combination, such as 7 left hands and 3 right hands which is of no practical use.
How is NextClimb Tiny Hands Toy Different?
NextClimb Store does not let its clients down by offering something faulty. Unlike the ordinary hand toys, NextClimb Store includes 6 left and 6 right hands in each package, so you get something extra in the same amount, FOR FREE!
We double-check each package to make sure you receive the correct SIX number of finger hands for each right and each left side. We also ensure that all the puppet finger hands have the same color, shade, and size.
Other Features and Benefits:
Perfect for Any Practical Joke: There’s nothing overly hilarious about a person’s hands until you realize they’re five times smaller than their bodies! Our tiny plastic hands all have five fingers and are 3 inches long. They’ll certainly look like a little version of your hands, and of course, funnier!
Convenient, Easy to Use, Can Be Tried by Anyone:
These realistic tiny hands can be used by everyone, both adults and children. Just place them in between your fingers and everyone will be tricked, amazed, and a little frightened of your freaky little hands. As tiny as they are, they’ll ensure big laughs from your friends and family. Small hands, big impact, that’s our Tiny Hands!
Pack of 12, Instead of the Usual 10:
Package includes six finger hands for EACH side, so there are six left side hands and six right side hands (not everyone offers left and right-hand sets). Stay prepared, and relaxed, knowing you’ll always have an extra hand, at hand! Whether you lose a hand or want an extra set for some on-the-spot pranks, it’s right there for you!
Going the extra step for your happiness, that’s NextClimb! So do not wait as good things don't last long! Hurry up and order the best quality NextClimb Tiny Hands on Amazon right now!