Trusting our Children’s Toys – Do Your Research NextClimb

Trusting our Children’s Toys – Do Your Research

As a parent, the last thing I thought I had to worry about is the safety of my children’s toys. I couldn’t believe that there are still toys on the market that could be potentially hazardous. I just assumed that if it is available for sale that it must have gone through a safety inspection and passed but this is simply not the case. Did you know the most common source for lead poisoning in children is found in toys?

I was under the impression that it was only old paint that I had to worry about. But I couldn’t believe that this can still be found in today’s toys – even brand new toys!  Many toys purchased overseas may not have the safety regulations as we do, so this is how sometimes our children may get access.

So how did I find this out? My children are musicians in the making, specifically my 1-year-old. They love to create and be part of musical play. I thought it would be fun to purchase egg shakers because not only are they fun to play with, they are developmentally appropriate for my youngest. The egg shape makes it easy for her to grasp and shake around. The delight she has when she gets her hands on one and can participate in the music-making with her brothers is such a great joy.

Another parent approached me about how she found out that sometimes these fun egg shakers can contain lead. Honestly, I didn’t believe her but did my own research. I couldn’t believe that she was right. Many of these egg shakers use lead pellets as the percussion material.



Not only that, but some of these eggs also are not durable and there is a risk that one may break open. I have older rough and tumble boys, so I can see where this may happen easily with them. I couldn’t believe the risk or that these were even still out on the market. I immediately gathered my old egg shakers, promptly tossed them out and was on a quest to find a better alternative – especially since my children adored this toy. They were quite upset when I had to take their original toy away.

Luckily, I was able to find an amazing alternative. These egg shakers by NextEgg promote and promise that they do not use lead pellets. They use dry beans as the percussion material and ensure that their BPA-free ABS shells are durable and will last for years to come. These shells are not only durable but they have a texture to them that make them even easier for my daughter to grip and shake. They also do not have any logos printed on them to also ensure that it does not get rubbed off as well.


Don’t completely trust what is in the egg?  They have a clear plastic version that you can actually see the beans!  This gives all us parents peace of mind when choosing the appropriate toys for our children. I personally truly appreciate their commitment to providing safe and proven toys for all kids.




You can purchase these eggs in packs of 3, 6 or even 12. I bought even more as they make great party favors too. They worked especially well for our daughter’s 1st musical themed birthday party. I felt confident in including these in her goodie bags for other kids as I can rest assure that these products are made with our child’s safety in mind first. 

From one parent to another, be mindful of what toys you give your children. I was unaware at all the potentially unsafe and hazardous toys out on today’s market. Do your research and be vigilant. It is not enough to trust that if it’s on the market than it must be safe.


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